Natural Killer Cell Testing
Natural Killer Cells are a type of lymphocyte - an immune cell - normally circulating in blood. They make up a large part of the immune system. Natural Killer Cells play a major role in the rejection of tumours and cells infected by viruses. They kill those cells by apoptosis (cell shrinkage).
There is evidence to suggest that an imbalance of activity of Natural Killer Cells in the blood of some women could be contributing to miscarriage.
More recently, an imbalance in the presence of NK cells was also found in the blood of women whose embryos failed to implant in the womb.
Some clinics offer blood tests to measure the level of NK cells in your blood as well as tests that measure their function. These blood tests will only measure NK cells in the blood and cannot measure or test NK cells in the uterus.
We are the only clinic in the UK that is able to offer Natural Killer Cell Testing as well as Natural Killer Cell blood count and activity tests.
What Do Natural Killer Cells Do?
Successful implantation is an absolute requirement for the reproduction of species, including humans. The process by which a foreign blastocyst (embryo) is accepted by the maternal endometrium (lining of the womb) is complex and requires interplay of many systems.
Implantation occurs during the specific time of “implantation window” (7-10 days following ovulation), in which the maternal endometrium...
Benefits of NK Cell Testing?
Adequate invasion of the human placenta during the first weeks of pregnancy is a critical step in ensuring both fetal and maternal health.
An increase in NK cell numbers and/or activity in pre- or post-conceptional period in women with recurrent miscarriage or infertility with multiple implantation failures are a significant clinical concern. In addition, characteristics of NK cells in these women support the changes for their increased activity status...